الأن فى مصر، يمكنك طلب أي شيء من كافة المحلات والمطاعم بضغطه واحده لنقوم بتوصيله لك.
Now in Egypt, you can order anything from all markets and restaurants in order to delivering it for you
كل ماعليك فعله هو القيام بتنزيل التطبيق وانشاء حساب جديد فقط بتحديد المدينة والعنوان الذين ترغب فى الحصول على خدمة توصيلنا لطلباتك بها
Just install the app and sign up with filling your city and address where you want to get our delivery service works.
or google+ API sign up/in to just fill the username and email fields in the forms only to make it easier for users)
2. Choosing restaurant, category, meal, its count and size then request the order (we save the users transaction history for the next step which is for delivery information)
*You can use your facebook and google accounts to help you fill the sign up fields and do sign in too.